The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has recently unveiled a three-part investigative documentary that sheds light on the alleged atrocities of the late Nigerian pastor, TB Joshua. The documentary, titled “DISCIPLES” presents the harrowing experiences of numerous former members of the Synagogue Church of All Nations accusing TB Joshua of heinous crimes such as forced abortions, rape, physical abuse, and torture.
The documentary, which comes nearly two decades after the alleged abuse claims first surfaced, features compelling and corroborated testimonies from over 25 former “disciples” who shared their experiences inside the church, with some of the most recent events dating back to 2019. The survivors, who joined the church in their teens, recounted disturbing accounts of abuse, manipulation, and violence, with some alleging that they were raped for years within the church’s premises.
The documentary also delves into the alleged staging of “miracle healings” that garnered global attention. The release of the documentary has sparked widespread outrage and calls for justice for the victims of TB Joshua’s alleged atrocities.
The Synagogue Church of All Nations has previously refuted similar allegations but has not specifically addressed the accusations presented in the documentary. The revelations in the BBC documentary have sent shockwaves across social media, with many expressing disbelief and calling for accountability.
The documentary provides a comprehensive and chilling exposé of the hidden world within one of the largest evangelical churches, unraveling a web of alleged abuse and manipulation that has left a lasting impact on the survivors.